Madness Project Nexus


In early arena mode, your character is weak, a good strategy to get through the first few groups of enemies is throwing punches while backpedaling

Late into story mode, you get access to the magic attacks, these attacks do high damage and i recommend you use them. By tapping shift you do a slam attack, this is good for getting swarms of enemies off of you, holding shift throws a bolt attack which is useful for dealing good damage when you've been disarmed.

Abominations, Sleepwalkers, and zombies are best dealt with by a heavy blast to the head, Decapitation will prevent any revival.

Sleepwalkers will revive 3 times before exploding if not decaptated.


Weapon ammunition management is very important, always be sure to not over-fire and wait to fire until an enemy is fully entered into the room as to not waste ammo.

For the first episode of story mode, ammo quantity is more important than caliber; however, in the next episode having a higher caliber round is important as you're more likely to decapitate enemies with large caliber ammunition.


If you're playing on a low end device, lowering the graphics settings is important.

Sometimes Project nexus slows to a crawl, this often is not actually a result of your device, but of the ruffle flash emulator it runs on.



By Jumping and shooting a rocket at your feet, you can launch yourself great distances. This is useful for finding secrets or advancing on players, just be sure to have enough health before you jump.

Bhopping, the process of repeatedly jumping as soon as possible while moving, allows a great increase in movement speed.

Grenades can be used to rocket jump, though it is more difficult.

You move faster diagonally than in straight lines.

Single Player

Shamblers are best approached with a nail gun, as shamblers are resistant to explosive weapons.

There is a secret level in E1M4: The Grisly Grotto, by hitting switches placed on shelves that some ogres are placed in, you can open a secret passageway under the water, inside of here is a secret exit allowing you to go to the anti gravity level.

Cthon can be beaten without stopping movement, simply run in circles.


In deathmatch your most useful tool is the rocket launcher, once you obtain this you can 1 shot any player who doesn't have armor or overheal.

Bhopping, while useful to get speed, also alerts enemies to your position due to the ranger's loud jumping sound.

Knowing where quad damages are located on levels is very important to success in deathmatch as you can almost guarantee a kill with any well placed shot if you have quad damage.

a quad damaged super nailgun is one of the highest dps attacks in the game.

on the level hub map, there is armor down the path with the grenade launcher, and behind the path with the rocket launcher is a tesla gun

When wielding a tesla gun, avoid entering liquids as the gun will short and kill you.

Super Brawl


The Flamethrower is one of the most effective weapons in super brawl, due to its high ammo capacity, good damage, and lingering flame effect.

Several weapons in the game can cause self damage, be carefull when weilding a flamethrower, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, or plasma gun.

Due to invincibility frames, its best not to spam weapon fire to not waste ammo, this does not apply to the shotgun wich has infinite ammo.

The Machine gun does 1 full heart of damage per shot, many player do not realise this because its shots apear to look the same as the shotgun's.


Sideways spring momentum can be kept if you hold down jump and the direction your going, even if you hit a wall, once you jump over it your momentum continues this allows for easy agressive assualts on other players.

Sometimes maps will generate with dead ends, it is advised to stay out of these areas as having options of escape during a battle is always important.

In KOTH dont waste ammo on players who do not have the crown unless they are going for a dropped crown, as it will not reward any points.


round tunnels are not dangerous on the outside, this means you can ride along the outside of them, this provides no particular benifit besides showing off.

by spamming enter to start a game, you can sometimes enter a glitched state, making for multiple levels spawning ontop of eachother, this also makes you gain more points per area passed.

several ramps ingame are skipable, this alows for more control over your speed.

In the glitched state the kill plane might not spawn, so if you fall off the map i reccomend aiming for a red tower otherwise you may have to reload the website.

In slope 3, many of the previous mentioned tricks do not work.

God's Gauntlet

The Dash does not provide invinsibility frames, you should be carefull not to dash into projectiles as you will not be protected.

The tank boss is best aproached with getting distance, dodging and then when it rushes you, dashing to the other side of the arena, repeat until dead.

on the first level, there is a secret area known as the "ZaZa Expert Cave" this can be acessed by sliding along the lower floor near the lava durring the platforming section.